Mrs Sciencebase and I been working fairly hard on our allotment. We have planted potatoes, onions, Brussels sprouts, sunflowers, rocket, fruit bushes, French beans, squash, tomatoes, and strawberry plants and seeds. Some seem to be doing rather better than others, though none brilliantly.
The thistles and other weeds are thriving, of course.

A couple of days of good rain for the first time in a while has muddied the soil, and given a good dose of H20 to the weeds and seeds. The rain is also hopefully washing in the well-rotted horse manure mulching one patch of the site.
Meanwhile, the monstrosity that was the pallet-sided compost heap left by the previous occupants has been dismantled. The mound itself was actually mostly soil and that has now been scattered over the patch we are yet to patch, needs digging over and raking level. The pallets have been relocated for my friend, another David, to burn for us. We’re hoping to get the rapidly growing patch of couch grass mown soon.
The work always turns up lots of invertebrates, this time several different types of rather large arachnid, and an abandoned wasp nest. It’s paper thin, very low density, but feels strong, nevertheless, as you might expect.