Sciencebase gets lots of feedback asking for science fair project ideas (and even more for science fair projects, although many visitors do seem to know there are two letter e's in science), so, we put together these pages to help you out! They're usually marked as to what level - high school, middle school, or elementary school - level they're aimed at.
Can covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze stop germs spreading?
Does salt change the boiling point of water?
How does the shape of an ice "cube" change how long it takes to melt?
Find more simple science experiments here. We've also added a section on free science experiments you can do at home, you can adapt any of these for your own project use, but we do recommend our downloadable weekend and 24 hour science projects if you want dependable results that will make the grade.
If you're
after freebie science experiments
then check out our science fair projects section. We have a whole range of
experiments that are easy to set up and do and provide fascinating results,
perfect for a science fair project. Here is a short list of those available for
immediate download right now: * Cool Coffee Experiment * Technology in Education
* Weekend Science * Homemade electric motor * Black Light Experiment * Sinking
and Floating Experiment * Oil and water experiment * Cartesian Diver Experiment
* Why is the sky blue experiment * Clean up tarnished silver * Floating Soap
Bubbles Experiment * Bending Water Experiment * Water Bending Experiment *
Floating Bowling Ball * Thick and Thin Liquids * Prick a Balloon without
Bursting it * Candy Science * It's Frothy, Man! * Rubber Band Science Experiment
* Chemical Light.